Pinon Family Practice

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Pinon COVID19 Updates *Updated April 28, 2020*

SARS CoV 2, IgG AB - serology antibody testing


We are ordering IgG antibody tests through Quest Diagnostics. We are still waiting to hear from LabCorp regarding fees and out-of-pocket exposure to patients, but they just released the test on April 27, 2020 so that may take some time. Our research of antibody testing available on the market concluded our overall trust and confidence in the validation process and controls put in place by Quest and LabCorp. For this reason, we are only recommending and providing orders for these two at this time. We know things are changing day by day and will continue to look at others as they provide more detail, but we strongly urge you to be wary of 3rd party testing kits.

How do I get an order for testing? There is very specific clinical criteria that a patient must meet in order to qualify for antibody testing to receive the most accurate result possible, as well as advice, education and result interpretation. For this reason, we do ask that you schedule a telemedicine visit with your provider first and they will place the order if applicable. Overall, we have found that the major health insurance carriers are covering these COVID-related visits free of patient cost-share but if you’d like to be 100% certain of coverage, please contact your carrier (every plan is different). Please note: we do know that self funded plans are not included in the “free of cost-share” as stated in the CARES act.

Lab Fees and patient out-of-pocket exposure - This is a new test and Quest Diagnostics can only provide give us with a “worst case scenario” for patient out-of-pocket exposure. Their fee of $55.00 will be billed to insurance and any out of pocket expense will be determined by the insurance through your laboratory benefits coverage, but no more than $55.00. There has been suggestion that they also cover IgG antibody testing free of patient cost-share just like other COVID related services but no carrier has committed to date. If you’d like more detailed information about coverage, you may call your carrier and provide them with the CPT code 86969 (SARS CoV 2 IgG AB). They should be able to provide an exact out-of-pocket amount per your policy. The self-pay price is also $55.00 and will be billed to you by Quest, not Pinon.

We do realize that Quest is not in-network with Anthem BCBS plans however, for other COVID-related lab testing Anthem has committed to not assessing out-of-network responsibility to patients. For IgG AB testing specifically, we are not certain and until we hear from LabCorp on “worst case scenario”, we’d recommend you contact Anthem and/or LabCorp for specific fee/coverage details for the CPT 86969 as stated above. We realize the importance of making an educated decision and we sincerely hope to have more details soon. You can choose to move forward with Quest and worst case scenario, know your out of pocket would not exceed $55.00. Please let us know!

Important links to stay up-to-date on COVID-19

If you are experiencing any COVID19-like symptoms, please let our staff know when you call in! Testing guidelines have been updated below, as of March 11, 2020. If you meet criteria, we may schedule a telemedicine visit as a precautionary measure. Testing will be determined at the time by the provider performing the telemedicine visit. Select our <COVID> tab to read about our telemedicine platform and how we can answer any of your questions or concerns.

Should you wear a face mask? YES!

New patients with COVID questions/concerns

Stress and Coping during COVID

COVID-19 World Map

Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

Colorado Dept. Public Health & Environment (CDPHE)

CDPHE Testing Guidelines - March 11, 2020

CDPHE Recommendations to protect our communities

CDPHE Fast Facts for Coloradans

Johns Hopkins Fast Facts COVID19

Pinon Update - March 24, 2020

Stay at home “Shelter in Place” order - March 26, 2020